of MountainView Bible Church
Name and Offices
name of the organization is MountainView Bible Church, a religious
non-profit association, having its offices at 7 Van der Hoven Street,
Glenanda, Johannesburg 2091. This address may be altered from time
to time as decided upon by the directors (elders) of MountainView
Bible Church, and such change will be duly communicated to the appropriate
governmental authorities.
Bible Church exists as a voluntary association solely for lawful,
religious, and charitable purposes; specifically, to be a fellowship
of Christians who exalt God and serve Him by studying and staying
faithful to the biblical teachings of the Christian faith, gathering
and worshipping on a regular basis, making and equipping more disciples
of Jesus Christ, ministering to the tangible and spiritual needs
of Christians, other churches, and the general community, and starting
other like-minded churches.
income and property of the organisation will be used only for the
promotion of this main objective, and no amount or asset will be
given or distributed to the organisation's members or officers,
except as reasonable compensation for services rendered to the organisation.
Upon dissolution, all assets of the organisation will be transferred
to an organisation with the same or similar charitable and religious
Powers of the Organization
Bible Church exists as an independent and continuing legal entity,
a body corporate distinct from its officers or members, and will
not function as an arm, branch, or subsidiary of any other organisation.
It will be funded by the gifts and contributions of members, the
public, or other religious or charitable organisations. It will
have the power to buy, hold, sell, and encumber real property for
use or investment purposes, to open, maintain, and close bank accounts
or other investment accounts, and to buy and sell personal property.
Statement of Faith
Bible Church's Statement of Faith is attached to this Constitution
and incorporated herein by reference. They represent what this organisation
believes as the biblical teachings of the Christian faith, and are
the basis for the beliefs and practices of the organisation. The
directors (elders) of MountainView Bible Church shall be the final
arbiters concerning any matters of interpretation of the Statement
of Faith; and have the sole authority to revise it.
Core Values
hold the following as motivating forces in all that we do:
Commitment To God - We seek to daily show our devotion to God through
prayer, scripture memory, and Bible study, striving to deny selfishness
and fleshliness, and to display a life of integrity, sacrifice,
and character in our pursuit of knowing God and becoming more like
Christ. Together, we seek to glorify God through worship, prayer,
and celebration of the Lord's Supper and baptism (Exodus 33:13,
Hebrews 13:15, Ephesians 5:18-19, Colossians 3:16, 1 Corinthians
11:23-24, Acts 2:41-47, Psalms 34:1-3, Matthew 28:18-20).
Commitment To God's Word - We believe the Bible is God's special
revelation to mankind and that its principles are sufficient to
guide us in everything we do, as individuals and as a fellowship;
we differentiate between what are fundamental and secondary doctrines,
and between what are unchanging biblical truths and changing cultural
norms (2 Peter 1:19-21, Psalms 119: 105, 2 Timothy 3:16-17, 2 Peter
Commitment To Relationships With Fellow Believers - We highly value
unity, fellowship, teamwork, mutual affection, and meeting each
other's spiritual and physical needs (Colossians 2:2, Hebrews 10:24-25,
Acts 2:41-47, Romans 12:3-5,10-18, 1 Corinthians 12:13-27, Ephesians
4:2-6, Acts 6:1-7, John 17:20-26).
Commitment To Relationships With Unbelievers - We place a high priority
on reaching the unbelieving friends, co-workers, acquaintances,
and the world at large with the gospel of Jesus Christ, in a personal
and relevant way, and starting reproducing churches both here and
abroad (Matthew 28:18-20, Romans 1:16-17, 1 Corinthians 9:19-23,
Acts 8:26-40, Acts 17:17-32, Romans 10:9-15, Philemon 1:6).
Commitment To Discipleship And Leadership Development - We have
a passion to enhance the spiritual growth of every believer through
life-on-life relationships in order to bring them to maturity in
Christ and equip them to serve others, the Lord and His Church (Colossians
1:28, 1 Corinthians 11:1, 2 Timothy 2:2, Hebrews 5:13-14, 6:1, 1
Corinthians 14:20, Ephesians 4:11-16, Philippians 4:9, Proverbs
Commitment To Learning, Flexibility And Innovation - While preserving
the biblical truths and traditions of the New Testament church,
we desire to be life-long learners and innovators in reaching people
with the gospel in an ethnically and culturally diverse society
that has undergone radical change (Acts 17:16-34, 1 Corinthians
5:9-10, 9:19-23).
Church Membership
Bible Church shall have at least seven (7) members who vest all
powers to run the organisation in the Directors (Board of Elders).
The Elders shall keep a record of all members of the MountainView
Bible Church.
Membership of MountainView Bible Church is open to all persons:
" Who confess Jesus Christ as Saviour and acknowledge that
He is Lord of their lives;
" Who have been baptised or who express a desire to be baptised;
" Who give assent to the Statement of Faith
Privileges of Membership
Being a member of MountainView Bible Church entitles a person 1)
to serve in teaching and leadership positions (positions that involve
communicating truth) in MountainView Bible Church, including, but
not limited to, the positions of deacon, elder, Sunday school teacher,
Bible study leader, youth leader, worship leaders and worship team
members, and 2) to vote at membership meetings on matters submitted
to the membership by the elders. Voting rights are non-transferable
and restricted to members over the age of 18. Those who regularly
attend the services of MountainView Bible Church, but are not members,
are not entitled to vote. The following matters shall be referred
by the elders to the membership for a vote:
- Any
changes to the church's Statement of Faith or Constitution
- Any
purchase, sale, or encumbrance of real property
- The
selection of those who will serve as deacons
does not convey any proprietary rights in MountainView Bible Church.
Application for Membership
All requests for membership shall be made to an elder of MountainView
Bible Church. Each applicant shall complete an application form
and subscribe to the Statement of Faith. Applicants will then be
interviewed by an elder who will report to the elders on the results
of the interview. If in the sole opinion of the elders, an applicant
does not meet the conditions of membership as set forth above, membership
can be denied. Applicants admitted into membership shall present
themselves before the church at a worship service so that such applicants
can be publicly acknowledged as new members.
Meetings of the Membership
From time to time, the elders shall call for meetings of members.
Such meetings shall be held at least on an annual basis.
Regular Meetings
An annual general meeting (AGM) of the church membership shall be
held at the location where regular church services have been held.
The purpose of the meeting is to consider reports, proposals, and
such other business as is determined by the elders. Other meetings
of the membership can be called at any time by the elders of the
church with due notice given to all members.
Notice of Meetings
Notice of all meetings shall be given from the pulpit by an elder
on at least two successive Sundays prior to the meeting. In addition
thereto, a written notice shall be given by way of electronic media
(website, email, SMS, etc.) at least two successive Sundays prior
to the meeting.
Quorum at Meetings; Voting
A quorum for the transaction of business at all meetings of members
shall be not less than half (50%) of those on the membership roll.
Any matters submitted to the membership for a vote shall be approved
with no less than a sixty-six (66%) vote.
Resignation or Removal from Membership
A member may resign from the church membership at any time. A member
who does not respond in a biblical way to church discipline, or
a member who remains absent from the meetings of the church without
a plausible reason for a period of three months, may be removed
from the membership roll by the elders.
Church Order & Discipline
Lord requires local church leaders and congregations to maintain
order and purity in a local church body (Matthew 18:15-18, 1 Corinthians
5, Galatians 6:1, 2 Thessalonians 3:6-15).
Local church congregations are a blend of progressing believers,
regressing and carnal believers, and unbelievers who profess to
be believers. Most of these are members; some regularly attend the
meetings of the church but are not members. Since the Bible does
not envision church membership per se, both members and those who
regularly attend MountainView are considered part of the biblical
church family of MountainView Bible Church and are subject to rebuke,
correction, and discipline.
It shall be the duty of any believer who has been wronged by another,
or who has knowledge of another's doctrinal error or moral/ethical
misconduct, to follow the biblical course of action set forth below:
The believer shall lovingly exhort and encourage the erring believer
with a view toward restoration and godly living; this shall be done
instead of speaking to others and before approaching church leaders
(Galatians 6:1, Matthew 18:15).
Should such warning not be heeded by the erring believer, the previous
warning is to be repeated with one or two witnesses being present
(Matthew 18:16).
If such further warning is rejected by the erring believer, the
matter shall be brought to the attention of the elders who, after
consideration and prayer, shall tell it to the church family, warning
them not to fellowship with the erring believer but rather to encourage
him or her toward restoration (Matthew 18:17, 2 Thessalonians 3:6,
14-15, Romans 16:17).
If the erring believer refuses to heed the warning and correction
given by the elders and the church family, such erring believer
shall be publicly dismissed from the church membership and/or fellowship
and be considered as an unbeliever (Matthew 18:17, 1 Corinthians
5:2-4, 11).
It shall be the duty of any believer who has been wronged by an
elder, or who has knowledge of an elder's doctrinal error or moral/ethical
misconduct, to follow the biblical course of action set forth above,
with the following changes. When a matter is brought to the attention
of the elders (third level of confrontation), they shall not receive
the accusation unless at least two witnesses saw the infraction
take place, or had the infraction admitted to them by the elder.
The elders shall hear the matter without partiality, and if there
is sufficient evidence, they shall publicly rebuke the elder in
a meeting of the church family (1 Timothy 5:19-21). If the accusation
disqualifies the man to serve as an elder, he shall be removed from
office and undergo a period of restoration.
Church Eldership
Bible Church shall be governed by a plurality of elder-overseers
(pastors). All ministries, activities, transactions, and employees
of the church shall be under the authority and direction of the
Role of the Elders
The elder-overseers are responsible to serve as the shepherds (pastors)
of MountainView Bible Church. Some may serve in a vocational capacity;
others in a non-vocational capacity. Elders are servant-leaders;
they are to lead by influence through their humble, wise, loving
and enthusiastic example, not by the power of position, and not
for financial gain. In addition to the basic virtues of the Christian
life, elders must be given to prayer, engaged in the study of God's
Word, occupied with discipling, teaching, and equipping the saints
for the work of the ministry, mentoring emerging leaders, setting
vision for the future, and defending sound doctrine. Elders will
one day answer to God for the fulfilment of their role as elders
(Acts 20:17-35, 2 Timothy 2:2, 4:1-2, Hebrews 13:7, 17, 1 Peter
Number of Elders
MountainView Bible Church shall have at least one elder-overseer
or pastor in its beginning stage, and optimally three or more. They
will serve as the organisation's directors.
Qualifications of Elders
To qualify for nomination as an elder, a man must be a member of
the church, already be serving in some form of leadership capacity,
be it formal or informal, and possess the character, experience,
and knowledge qualifications of an elder-overseer found in 1 Timothy
3:1-7, Titus 1:5-9, and 2 Timothy 2:22-26, which are as follows:
1. Above reproach (no accusations brought against him will stick;
credible; blameless)
2. Husband of one wife (affections/devotion to his wife and no other)
3. Temperate (self-controlled; disciplined; not quick-tempered)
4. Of sound and sober mind (sensible; prudent; stable, appropriate
5. Orderly (not rash; respectable; having a structured life)
6. Hospitable (ready to share home and possessions with strangers
and friends)
7. Able and willing to teach (educated in doctrine, teachable, and
a life-long learner)
8. Not given to wine (does not misuse alcohol or controlled substances)
9. Gentle (not given to physical violence; forbearing, reasonable,
10. Not quarrelsome (not argumentative, contentious, or causing
11. Not greedy for money (spends within budget, not covetous, not
a seeker of quick gain)
12. Manages his family well (wife is in submission, children obey
with proper respect)
13. Not a recent convert (well grounded in the Scriptures and spiritual
14. Has a good testimony among unbelievers (good reputation in the
15. Loves what is good (participates enthusiastically in good deeds)
16. Just (upright; not prejudiced, impartial, keen sense of right
and wrong)
17. Holy (separated from sin unto God)
18. Able to refute false doctrine (knowledgeable of all major doctrines
and doctrinal error; faithful to the Scripture)
Nomination of Elders
Once a year, prior to the annual general meeting, an elder may submit
nominations for the office of elder-overseer to the other elders.
The elders shall review all names to determine each nominee's qualifications
in terms of the biblical requirements for this office, and to verify
the nominee's willingness to serve in that office. The elders may
then approve, disapprove, or add to the list of nominees. The approved
list of nominees, together with biblical qualifications, shall be
publicly displayed at least one month prior to the annual general
meeting of the church for congregational review. It is the duty
of members to review the list of nominees and advise the elders
if a nominee fails in respect to one or more qualifications.
Ordination of Elders
At the annual general meeting (AGM), approved nominees will be appointed
as elders-elect by the current team of elders. Elders-elect will
then undergo a period of theological and Bible training and examination,
and upon successful completion of such study, they will be examined
and ordained by the existing elders as elder-overseers.
Removal or Resignation of Elders
Elder-overseers shall serve on a perpetual basis until they resign
or are removed from office. The elders shall have the right to suspend
and/or remove an elder who fails to meet the requirements of eldership
set forth in this Constitution and the church's Statement of Faith.
An elder may submit his resignation in writing to the other elders
at any time for personal reasons.
In the event of a vacancy, the remaining elders shall have the authority
to appoint an acting elder to fill the vacancy until the following
annual general meeting (AGM).
Meetings of Elders
Place and Time
Meetings of the elders shall be held in such places, and at such
times, as may be determined by the chairman of the elders. The chairman
shall call a special meeting when requested to do so by any other
Notice of Meetings
Elders shall be notified of a regular meeting not less than seven
days prior to the meeting. The notice for special meetings can be
given at short notice but preferably also not less than two weeks
prior to the meeting.
Quorum at Meetings
Elders are required to attend all regular meetings except for special
circumstances in which case they may be excused by the chairman.
A quorum for the transaction of business at all meetings of elders
shall be 66% of the total number of elders.
Actions without Meetings
Any urgent action required or permitted to be taken by the elders
shall have the verbal consent of all elders, and such action shall
be formalised as soon as possible thereafter at a special meeting
of the Board. At such time as MountainView Bible Church retains
a vocational pastor, the rights of the pastor to conduct the daily
business of the church without input by the other elders will be
set forth in a written memorandum or letter of employment.
Decisions at Meetings
The elders shall strive to reach consensus on all decisions, after
careful discussion, submission to applicable biblical principles,
and prayer. A 66% vote of the elders shall constitute a final decision.
All disagreements of the elders are to be voiced during meetings,
but once a decision is made, elders are to publicly support the
decision of the majority of elders.
The elders may make such disbursements from the funds of the church
as are required to fulfil the purposes of the MountainView Bible
Church and to generally conduct, manage, and control the activities
and affairs of the church. Any two authorised elders shall have
authority to sign contracts on behalf of the church. Cheques, or
other negotiable instruments, shall be signed by the treasurer and
one other elder.
Compensation of Elders
The elders may decide to compensate an elder for his services rendered
or expenses incurred for the church. Such compensation shall be
reasonable, and the applicable elder shall not be involved in determining
the nature or amount of his compensation.
Employing Staff
The elders may retain, employ, and dismiss any paid staff of the
church and establish the terms of their employment. The elders may
also delegate such responsibility to the church's vocational pastor.
Corporate Officers
The elders shall use the corporate offices of Chairman, Secretary,
and Treasurer to facilitate the business aspects of the church.
All officers shall be elders of the church, except for the treasurer
who may be someone approved by the elders. Officers shall serve
in these posts for two years commencing at an annual general meeting
(AGM). Where, in the opinion of the elders, an officer is unable
to adequately discharge his responsibilities to the church, another
elder, or someone approved by the elders, will fill the vacancy
until the following annual general meeting (AGM).
It is the responsibility of the chairman of the elders, or his designee,
to convene meetings and to facilitate them.
The secretary shall be the custodian of all records of the church,
shall keep the minutes of all meetings, and ensure that all proper
records, as required by the laws of the Republic of South Africa,
are kept and maintained.
The treasurer shall be responsible for keep the financial records
of the church, maintain bank and investment accounts, consult with
accountants and auditors as needed, and report on all financial
matters to the elders at their meetings, and to the church family
at the annual general meeting (AGM).
Policies and Practices
The elders may establish additional policies and practices consistent
with this Constitution, and with biblical principles regarding church
leadership and the local church.
Bible Church shall be served by those recognised for their proven
ability to serve, known in the Scripture as servants or deacons
(Acts 6:1-6, 1 Timothy 3:8-13, Romans 16:1), hereafter referred
to as deacons.
Role of Deacons
It is the function of deacons to assist the elders in their duties
by serving the congregation in practical, physical, and material
ways, including, but not limited to, providing funds for and helping
those in distress in the congregation and the community, visiting
the sick, assisting those recovering from medical procedures, caring
for orphans and the elderly, meeting the needs of the poor, coordinating
the programs and events of the church, and looking after the physical
needs of property and equipment that the church may use or own.
Number of Deacons
There is no restriction on the number of deacons.
To qualify for nomination as a deacon, a member of the church must
currently be serving in some capacity, be it formal or informal.
In addition to the general virtues of the Christian faith, each
deacon must also possess the qualifications as described in I Timothy
3:8-12, which are as follows:
For the Men:
1. Reverent (dignified, not silly, foolish or impulsive)
2. Not double-tongued (consistent in what they say, not giving conflicting
3. Not even given to much wine (sober at all times, moderate to
protect testimony)
4. Not to be greedy for money (trustworthy when handling funds and
5. Holding the mystery of the faith with a pure conscience (sound
in doctrine and in moral and ethical conduct)
6. Blameless (above reproach, credible, no accusations will stick)
7. The husband of one wife (affections/devotion to his wife and
no other)
8. Tested (must be observed by the elders serving others)
9. Ruling their children and their household well (wife and children
in submission)
Nomination and Selection of Deacons
From time to time as needed, the elders shall inform the membership
of the number of additional deacons that are needed, if any. Any
member may submit nominations for the office of deacon to an elder.
The elders shall review all names to determine each nominee's qualification
in terms of the biblical requirements for this office, and to verify
the nominee's willingness to serve in that office. The elders may
then approve, disapprove, or add to the list of nominees. The approved
list of nominees, together with biblical qualifications, shall be
publicly displayed for at least one month for congregational review.
It is the duty of members to review the list of nominees and advise
the elders if a nominee fails in respect to one or more qualifications.
At a meeting of the church's members, the congregation shall vote
on which of the remaining nominees shall serve as deacons.
Term, Removal and Resignation of Deacons
A deacon shall serve for a period of one year. The elders shall
have the right to suspend and/or remove a deacon who fails to meet
the requirements of a deacon set forth in this Constitution and
the church's Statement of Faith. A deacon may submit his or her
resignation in writing to the elders at any time for personal reasons.
In the event of a vacancy, the elders shall have the authority to
appoint an acting deacon to fill the vacancy until the following
annual general meeting (AGM).
it is determined that the MountainView Bible Church is to wind up
its affairs and dissolve, the elders, or if there are no elders,
a majority vote of the remaining members shall transfer all assets,
after all of its liabilities have been met, to another church of
like doctrinal position, or, failing that, a para-church organisation
of like
doctrinal position; as set out in the Statement of Faith.