- 2003-2004
of our families who had been commuting to Sandton Bible Church in
the Fourways area had the vision to start a new Bible church in
the south, and formed the core group of MountainView.
The initial efforts began with a
series of Bible studies, and as God worked through relationships,
our group expanded, and on 31 October 2004, we began to meet for
Sunday morning services in Glenanda.
- 2005-2009
MountainView moved to the Sha-Mani Conference Centre in Alberton
in 2005 and met there for several years. As children, youth, and
ladies' and men's ministries grew, the church to almost 80 believers.
Church Home - 2010-Present
saved up for years toward the purchase of our own building, and
in August of 2010, we purchased a house in Glenanda (four houses
away from where MountainView began in 2005!) that had a massive
living area that we could renovate into a church hall. The house
has become home and is now a very busy place!