MountainView Bible
Church is a not-for-profit, public benefit organisation under South
African law and is registered with SARS.
Current & Future
At present, we support
three missionary church-planters in South Africa and the Philippines,
and we are paying off a mortgage bond. Our pastor is a missionary
church-planter entirely funded by churches in the USA, so we have
no salary component to our budget. In time, and by God's grace alone,
we would like to retain a pastor full-time.
Our Philosophy
of Giving
In Western culture, the two main reasons people give
for not liking church is because "churches are full of hypocrites"
and "they always asking for money." At MountainView, we're
working hard on the first objection, and we also try never to ask
for money. This ministry, by God's grace, will be built on His provision
through the free-will offerings of His people. We try to give regularly,
cheerfully, propotionately, purposefully, and liberally. Philippians
4: 14-19;1 Corinthians 16:1-4; 2 Corinthians 8:1-5, 13-15, 19-21;
2 Corinthians 9:6-8