Everyone A Minister
It is our desire to have virtually
everyone in MountainView's congregation involved with some sort
of ministry. We want each believer to be an investor, not just a
consumer, and to be involved with the life and health of the church.
Shepherding Ministry
Brady Farr, Keith Quayle, Doug Steytler are the elder-pastors of
MountainView. Brady is an American church-planting missionary with
Biblical Ministries
Worldwide (BMW), a church-planting mission organization based
in Atlanta. Douglas is Executive Director of Christian Mission International,
the Southern African branch of The Voice of the Martyrs. Keith is
a semi-retired gentleman with decades of learning and service to
the local church.
MountainView is also served by deacons who are charged with member
care, building care, church finances, etc. All books are kept current,
are audited annually, and presented to the congregation at the Annual
General Meeting.