Primary Youth - Fridays
Every Friday evening at 7 PM at the church property, kids (ages 4-11) have games, contests, a snack, and a good time learning God's Word!
In addition to our Sunday Morning Service, we often have weekly Bible Studies in member's homes.
Our "older" folks meet together about every six weeks for a devotional, a time of fellowship and encouragement. Please contact the church for the next event.
Our ladies meet once a month for Bible Study and encouragement. Please contact the church for current details about upcoming activities for the ladies.
Our men meet from time to time for Bible Studies, prayer, and activities. Please contact the church for the next men's event.
Children's Church is provided for children ages 3-11. A number of teachers provide songs, activities and crafts, and teach God's Word to primary-age children during the morning message.
The teens meet Friday evening at 7 PM for fellowship, games, activities, singing and a Bible study.
Every Friday evening at 7 PM at the church property, kids (ages 4-11) have games, contests, a snack, and a good time learning God's Word!
A creche is available at the church. If a parent would like to take their baby or small child to a room with toys and a little space to run around during the Sunday morning service, they can stay with their child and still hear the message through a speaker system.
From the beginning of MountainView Bible Church, in-depth Bible Courses has been a core element of building up believers to adequately prepare and equip our members for teaching and serving ministries in and outside of the church. Recently we have had courses on theology, hermeneutics, parenting, and the gospel of John.
We provide meals for those who have been sick, in hospital, had a baby, moved residences, or otherwise could use the help of the church in providing meals. This is done primarily for the church body, though from time to time we have opportunity to serve those in the community as well. We also encourage our families to be involved with care for orphans in the midst of our great need in South Africa.
MountainView prayerfully and financially supports three missionary families.